quilt cards from the past

Some of my friends and I seem to have a renewed interest in the quilt-type of cards lately. I was searching through my blog, and it was interesting to see all of the various types of quilt cards I have shared over the years. There are stamped images of quilts, quilt-looking embossing folders, pieced papers, scored papers, quilt dies, machine stitched, and even a little craft room scene. My blog doesn’t let me go back and edit to add them to the Quilt Card category that I’ve created, so I’m going to share some here again. If you want specific info on them, you can do a search for quilt in the sidebar. 🙂

Annnd…I hope to share more quilt cards soon! Here’s a few starting with an oldie from 2008…up to the present.

Have a great weekend!

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